When Life Gives You Lemons

When Life Gives You Lemons

When life gives you lemons,

However many lemons it may be,

Ever so slightly, squeeze them like

Native Americans chopping off a baby’s head.


Lemon or lime, the decision is real.

Its acid so deadly, it’s its only

Fatal flaw,

Ensuring that you’ll need a “lemon-aid”.


God gives you lemons, so make lemonade.

Instead, do not make lemonade,

Verify His existence by taking

Endless amounts of

Selfies with Him.


You might construct a crude electronic battery,

Or ask for salt and tequila.

Unless life also gives you sugar and water, in which case, make a lemonade.


Like Charles Dickens once said at a bar,

Entertaining everyone while ordering a


Olive or twist?

“Neither,” said I, “I’ll have a-

Soup of urine instead.”


Each lemon is unique in its own way,

Avoiding to be like John Lemon,

The liquidated lemon.


Therefore, the lemons,

Holy as they may be, you must only

Eat them with
